The article describes in a general way the human resource and salary system in the enterprise, in order to help managers and directors understand the salary and human resource management system that needs to be implemented in the enterprise.

The role of the human resource and salary system in the enterprise
Human resource management and salary have a great role to the business activities of an enterprise, it is a deep-seated activity inside the business but determines the business results of the business.
The payroll system in an enterprise is a system that includes the following work sections:
In the enterprise, successful recruitment means finding the right people for the job of great significance. Enterprises have a worthy human resource, successfully complete the assigned work, contributing to maintaining the existence and development of the business. Those who are recruited into jobs that match their abilities and forte will be very interested and secure in the job.
On the contrary, if the recruitment is not done properly, it will have negative effects that directly affect the company and employees.
Personnel training and development are two basic contents in the issue of improving professional expertise for personnel. In addition, it also includes personnel education content for businesses.
Enterprises need to focus on training and developing personnel because in the era of science and technology development like storms, technology and technology are constantly innovating, in order to keep up with the times, people need to be equipped. certain knowledge and skills about the profession, which is both a need and a task.
Employee evaluation is one of the most important issues of human resource management. It is the key for businesses to plan, recruit as well as develop personnel and reward personnel. Assessment is a standardized, routine procedure that collects information about an individual's career abilities, work results, personal aspirations, and development.
Employee compensation is to stimulate employees to improve productivity, improve business efficiency, and realize business goals.
Each group of individuals come to the business with their own goals and desires. Everyone has their own priorities and constraints. As a human resource manager, with specific individuals and groups identified, we need to determine the goal of motivating each group, each individual to have the right impact, at the right dose, at the right time. , which gives the desired result.
Remuneration is expressed in two forms: material compensation and spiritual compensation.
Salary system in the enterprise
System salary managementThe salary system, or the salary system, is a system consisting of components that are organized closely to implement the entire salary policy applied to the human resources team.
Directors and business owners have the full right to choose how to manage their company's salary, but no matter which way is done, the salary system of the enterprise needs to ensure that it meets 2 contents:
- Must be effective.
- Must comply with relevant legal provisions.
An effective salary system is an appropriate and good enough system to help enterprises successfully carry out the work of building human resources for their production and business activities. Therefore, when building a salary system, it is necessary to meet 4 basic requirements or:
- Salary must be competitive in terms of market prices.
- Salary must be commensurate with the capacity and contribution of each person, ensuring fairness in the enterprise.
- Salary structure must be flexible, must have hardware and software to be able to adjust up and down when necessary.
- The way to calculate salary must be simple, easy to understand, clear so that everyone can understand and check their salary.
The salary system of the enterprise must ensure that, when implemented, it meets the following legal requirements:
- Regulations on labor and salary in the Labor Code;
- Regulations on compulsory insurance (social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance) in the Law on Social Insurance, Law on Health Insurance, Law on Employment;
- In order to be able to account wages into the enterprise's expenses and present them in the financial statements, it must comply with the Law on Accounting and the Law on Corporate Income Tax;
- Wages are subject to personal income tax, so they are subject to the Personal Income Tax Law.