Service of registering for social insurance for the first time

We provide professional advice and comprehensive support from application preparation, application filling to application processing management. With us, customers can be assured of compliance with legal regulations and ensure the rights of employees.

social insurance registration service


Accurate and reliable

Compliance with regulations

Registering to open a Social Insurance profile for the first time will ensure that customers fully comply with the legal provisions on Social Insurance. This helps to avoid the risks associated with non-compliance with legal provisions on Social Insurance, and at the same time minimizes penalties and bad consequences of breaking the law.

Easy and fast

You will not have to worry about complicated procedures and time to apply for the first time to open a Social Insurance profile. With our support, customers will be guided and helped in the application process, ensuring the process is completed quickly and efficiently.

Optimizing cost and time

With Expertis's support in registering to open a Social Insurance profile for the first time, customers will save their costs and time. We will advise and help customers choose the parameters that best suit their business needs.


Contents of the service

Initial Registration of an Employer Profile is a legally required process that all businesses must go through when hiring new employees.

This process requires businesses to register and follow the procedures related to the payment of Social Insurance (SI), Health Insurance (HI), Unemployment Insurance (UI), and Profile management. Use labor.

Specifically, the process of initial registration of an Employer Profile includes the following steps:

  • Register an account on the online social insurance registration system.
  • Create employee records on the system.
  • Register to pay social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance for employees.
  • Submit relevant documents such as business registration, tax registration, work permit for employees, and other necessary documents.
  • Take the final steps to complete employer registration.

Initial registration Trade union profile is the process of registering and participating in trade union activities for businesses. This is mandatory for businesses with 10 or more employees.

The process of first registration of Trade Union Profile includes the following steps:

  • Prepare documents: Enterprises need to prepare documents such as business registration certificate, operation registration license, minutes of the general meeting of shareholders, etc. to register to join the trade union.
  • Registration at a trade union: Enterprises will register and file documents at a local trade union organization, usually the grassroots trade union.
  • Confirmation and issue of union card: After registration, the trade union will confirm the registration of the business and issue the union card to the employees of the enterprise.

The first registration of the Trade Union Profile will help businesses ensure the rights of employees, strengthen the connection between enterprises and trade unions, as well as help enterprises fulfill their legal obligations to the Company. trade union organization.

to make a financial report


Bonus services

Make your salary management and social insurance compliance easier with the help of our experienced payroll and labor experts.

View details Monthly salary and social insurance service

Our experienced salary and labor experts help you build an appropriate, synchronous and compatible Salary System with relevant legal regulations
View details Consulting service to build enterprise salary system

social insurance registration service company

Dedicated support

Our experts provide consulting support on issues of labor, salary, social insurance through convenient means for you: email, chatbox, phone, online meeting, face-to-face


register for social insurance


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This is a legal obligation of the enterprise according to the provisions of Vietnamese labor law. If you fail to register, you may be fined or be held responsible before the law.

The process of registering to open a social insurance profile for the first time includes steps such as preparing the necessary documents, filling out the application form, submitting the application and monitoring the registration results. Registration processing time may vary from case to case.

With experience and expertise in tax and accounting consulting, Expertis will help businesses complete the registration in the most complete and accurate way. This helps to reduce risks arising from false or delayed registration, and saves businesses time and effort in the process of complying with legal obligations.

Violations on time to submit financial statements are penalized according to Article 12 of Decree 41/2018/ND-CP, specifically as follows:

Article 12 .- Penalties for violations of the regulations on submission and publicity of financial statements

1. A fine of VND 5.000.000 to VND 10.000.000 for one of the following acts:

a) Submitting financial statements to competent state agencies less than 03 months compared to the prescribed time limit;

b) Disclosure of financial statements is slower than the monthly import deadline.

2. A fine of VND 10.000.000 to VND 20.000.000 for one of the following acts:

a) Publicizing incomplete financial statements as prescribed;

b) Submitting financial statements to competent state agencies without attaching audit reports to cases where the law requires auditing financial statements;

c) Submitting financial statements to competent state agencies at a later than the monthly import and export deadline compared with the prescribed time limit;

d) Publicizing financial statements without accompanying audit reports in cases where the law requires auditing financial statements;

dd) Disclosure of financial statements is delayed for a month or more compared to the prescribed deadline.

3. A fine of VND 20.000.000 to VND 30.000.000 for one of the following acts:

a) Publicing untruthful financial statements and figures;

b) Providing and publishing financial statements for use in Vietnam with heterogeneous data in an accounting period.

4. A fine of VND 40.000.000 to VND 50.000.000 for one of the following acts:

a) Failing to submit financial statements to competent state agencies;

b) Failure to publish financial statements as prescribed.

5. Remedies:

Forcible submission and publicity of audit reports attached to financial statements, for acts of violations specified at Points b and d, Clause 2 of this Article.


Regulations "A file for tax finalization at the end of the year includes the annual tax finalization declaration, the annual financial statement, and the declaration of related-party transactions; other documents related to tax finalization.”

Therefore, the late submission or failure to submit the financial statements also leads to the act of “late submission/failure to submit the tax finalization return” and is penalized according to the tax law.

social insurance registration service company

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