MONTH 01-2025
Continue to reduce VAT by 2% until the end of June 06
From January 01, 01, business entities will officially continue to apply the VAT reduction policy to 2025% according to Decree 8/180/ND-CP issued by the Government under Resolution 2024/174/QH2024 dated January 15, 30 of the National Assembly.
According to Decree 180/2024/ND-CP, from January 01, 01, the policy of reducing value added tax to 2025% will be applied to groups of goods and services currently subject to a tax rate of 8%. except for the following groups of goods and services: Telecommunications, financial activities, banking, securities, insurance, real estate business, metals and prefabricated metal products, mining products (excluding coal mining), coke, refined petroleum, chemical products. Details in Appendix I; Goods and services subject to special consumption tax. Details in Appendix II; Information technology according to the law on information technology. Details in Appendix III.