Business and Investment Environment in Vietnam
Providing legal regulations and guiding documents on investment and establishment of Vietnamese enterprises and foreign investment activities in Vietnam
- Decree 122/2021/ND-CP sanctioning administrative violations in the field of planning and investment
- Industry permitted to establish representative offices of foreign companies in Vietnam
- Decision 1615/QD-LDTBXH on the list of fields and time limit for persons holding positions in the Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs sector not to establish or run enterprises
- Circular 60/2022/TT-BTC listing the fields and time limit for holding positions not to establish or run an enterprise
- Guidance on granting temporary residence cards to foreign investors in Vietnam
- Circular 186/2010/TT-BTC guiding the transfer of profits abroad
- Regulations on Consolidation of legal documents and how to use Consolidated documents
- What are the conditions for real estate business in 2022?
- Circular 02/2022/TT-BKHDT guiding the supervision and assessment of investment for foreign investment activities in Vietnam
- Decree 02/2022/ND-CP guiding the Law on Real Estate Business
- Decree 01/2021/ND-CP on business and household registration
- 3 regulations related to enterprises in the Enterprise Law 2020 are amended and supplemented from March 01, 03
- Law No. 03/2022/QH15 amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Investment, the Law on Enterprises...
- Decree 122/2020/ND-CP on coordination and interconnection of procedures for registration of establishment of enterprises, branches and representative offices, declaration of labor use, issuance of codes of units participating in social insurance, registration Sign to use corporate invoices
- Importance of "Proper Understanding of Definitions"
- Decision 29/2021/QD-TTg on special investment incentives
- Decree 80/2021/ND-CP guiding small and medium enterprises
- Circular 19/2014/TT-NHNN guiding foreign exchange management for direct investment activities in Vietnam
- Circular 05/2014/TT-NHNN guiding foreign indirect investment capital accounts in Vietnam
- Circular 06/2019/TT-NHNN guiding foreign exchange management for foreign direct investment activities in Vietnam
- List of industries eligible for investment incentives, Areas eligible for investment incentives
- List of industries and trades with restricted market access for foreign investors
- Decree 31/2021/ND-CP detailing and guiding the implementation of the Investment Law 2020
- List of conditional business lines under the Investment Law 2020
- Investment Law 2020 (effective from January 01, 01)
- Enterprise Law 2020
- Small and medium enterprises (how to identify and support policies)