Auditing Standard No. 720 on other information in documents containing audited financial statements, issued together with Circular 214/2012 / TT-BTC

| Updated: 30/06/2022

Scope of application

01. This Auditing Standard specifies and guides the responsibilities of the auditor and the firm (hereinafter referred to as “the auditor”) with respect to other information in the financial statements that are available. audited and audited report. If there are no other specific requirements in the engagement, the auditor is not required to express an opinion on any other information, and it is not the auditor's responsibility to determine whether other information is present in the documentation. whether the audited financial statements have been presented correctly or not. However, these other information should be considered by the auditor, as the reliability of the audited financial statements may be impaired because material inconsistencies may exist between the financial statements. audited and other information (See paragraph A1 for guidance on this Standard).

02. In this Standard, “Documentation with audited financial statements” means the annual reports (or similar documents) that are issued to the owners (or third parties such as banks, suppliers. , customers, tax authorities, prospective investors…), including audited financial statements and accompanying audit reports. This standard may also be applied to other documents such as information disclosures when issuing securities (prospectus) as specified in paragraph 02 of the Vietnamese Standards on Auditing No. 200 (See paragraph A2 for guidance on this Standard).

03. The auditor and the firm must comply with the provisions and instructions of this Standard during the audit process.

The entity (the customer) and the parties using the results of the audit are required to have the necessary understanding of the requirements and guidelines of this International Standard in order to coordinate work with the auditor and the firm. handling relationships related to the audit process.


04. The auditor and the firm shall take appropriate measures in the event that the documents containing the financial statements have been audited and the audit report contains other information that could impair the confidence. reliability of financial statements and audit reports.

Standard content

- Consider other information

Material inconsistency score

- Material misleading information


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