Scope of application
- This Auditing Standard specifies and guides the auditor's responsibility and auditing firms (hereinafter referred to as "auditors") in communicating appropriately with those charged with governance and management of deficiencies in internal control (paragraphs 04 and 12, VAS 315) that the auditor has identified is available when auditing financial statements. This International Standard does not further address the auditor's responsibilities for understanding internal controls and for designing and performing testing of controls in addition to the requirements of VAS 315 and 330. VAS 260 provides and provides more specific guidance on the auditor's responsibility in communicating with those charged with governance in connection with the audit.
- In accordance with Vietnamese Standard on Auditing 12, in identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement, the auditor shall obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit (paragraph A315 - Auditing Standard (A60), No. 65, guiding the internal controls related to audits). In the course of a risk assessment, the auditor considers internal control to design audit procedures that are consistent with the entity's reality, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity. internal control. Deficiencies in internal control may be identified by the auditor not only during the risk assessment, but also during any other phase of the audit. This Auditing Standard specifies and provides guidance on known deficiencies that the auditor shall communicate with those charged with governance and management.
- This Auditing Standard does not limit the auditor's communication with management and management regarding other internal control matters that the auditor has identified during the audit.
- The auditor and the firm shall comply with the requirements and instructions of this Standard in communicating deficiencies in internal control with those charged with governance and management during the engagement process. Auditing and providing related services.
The entity (the customer) and the parties using the results of the audit shall have the necessary understanding of the requirements and requirements of this Standard in order to perform their responsibilities and to coordinate their work with Auditors and enterprise auditors resolve relationships during the audit process.
- Auditor's goal and corporate auditing Correct communication with those of governance and management of deficiencies in internal control that the auditor has identified during the audit and in the auditor's professional judgment. These issues are serious and need the attention of management and management.
See full text Auditing Standard No. 265