Updated at 30/06/2022 - 03:30 pm
Scope of application
01. This Auditing Standard applies when the auditor decides to use the audit sampling method when performing audit procedures. This Auditing Standard specifies and guides the auditor's responsibility and corporate auditing (hereinafter referred to as an "auditor") in statistical and non-statistical sampling when designing and selecting audit samples, performing controlled and detailed testing, and evaluating the results obtained from sample inspection.
02. This Auditing Standard complements Vietnamese Standards on Auditing 500 which specifies the auditor's responsibility to design and perform audit procedures in order to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence for making reasonable conclusions as a basis for forming audit opinion. Audit sampling method is one of the methods that VAS 500 suggests that auditors can apply in selecting test elements.
03. The auditor and the firm shall comply with the requirements and instructions of this Standard in the course of auditing the financial statements and providing related services.
The entity (the customer) and the parties using the results of the audit are required to have the necessary understanding of the requirements and guidelines of this International Standard in order to coordinate work with the auditor and the firm. resolve relationships in the audit process.
04. The auditor's goal in using audit sampling is to provide a reasonable basis for the auditor to draw conclusions about the population sampled.
See full text Auditing Standard No. 530