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Private economy accounts for 50% of GDP in the year of XNXX

This is the goal set out in Resolution 10-NQ / TW on developing private economy to become an important driving force of the socialist-oriented market economy.

Specifically, set a target to increase the share of the private economic sector's contribution to GDP to about 2020% by 50; around 2025% by 55 and around 2030 - 60% by 65.

Accounting for 50% of GDP - Buying and selling businesses

Private economy accounts for 50% of GDP

One of the key tasks to achieve this goal is to create a favorable business and investment environment for private economic development; Inside:

- Ensuring the strict implementation of the right to business freedom, property ownership, and civil rights and obligations of organizations and individuals in accordance with the law;

- Encourage the establishment of private enterprises, creating conditions for business households to expand their scale and improve their performance;

- Narrow down the areas of business with conditions;

- Complete and ensure the transparent and effective implementation of policies to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, start-up movement;

- To adopt policies to encourage production in the agricultural sector in the direction of mainly relying on enterprises, cooperatives and large-scale farms with high technology application.


Encourage private investors to contribute capital to state-owned economic groups

- Encourage the formation of private and multi-owned and private economic groups contributing capital to state-owned economic groups capable of participating in regional and global production networks and value chains.

- The private economy is developed in all sectors and fields that are not prohibited by law.

- Promoting the startup movement and innovation, improving the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises.

- Create favorable environment and conditions for business households to voluntarily link to form cooperative organizations or operate under the business model.


Resolution 10 / NQ-TW was signed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and issued on 03 / 6 / 2017.





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