The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has just issued Official Letter 4288 / LĐTBXH-TTr on guiding the inspection in 2021. Including inspection content in the field of social insurance
Accordingly, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs instructs the construction of inspection and inspection plans in accordance with the local work plan for the period 2021-2026 according to the contents with the social insurance sector, as follows:
- Inspect the implementation of the provisions of law on social insurance for social insurance agencies and enterprises in the area under their management.
- Focus on inspecting businesses with prolonged social insurance arrears, large amounts of debt to social insurance.
This Official Letter takes effect from October 30, 10.
In order for the inspection of the Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs sector (hereinafter referred to as LDTB-XH for short) to be carried out uniformly and effectively nationwide, in addition to implementing inspection according to the state management function. In line with the actual requirements of the locality, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs guides the inspection work in 2021 of the Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs sector as follows:
1. Inspection work
On the basis of the inspection plan for 2021 of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the direction of the People's Committees of the province, the Departments of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of the provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as the Department) shall develop an inspection and inspection plan in accordance with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs. in accordance with the local work plan for the period 2021-2026 according to the following specific contents:
1.1. Administrative Inspector
To inspect the performance of assigned functions, tasks and official duties; responsibilities of heads, civil servants and public employees in performing their duties and tasks; personnel organization, management, use of finance, assets and capital construction.
1.2. Specialized inspection and examination
1.2.1. Labor field
- Implement an inspection campaign in the construction field with a focus on inspecting the observance of the provisions of the law on occupational safety and health at construction sites in order to prevent occupational accidents and diseases. cause serious consequences to human health and life.
– Continue to implement and guide self-inspection on the implementation of labor laws on the website, thereby analyzing and evaluating the results of online self-inspection and submitting recommendations to enterprises; summarize the situation of self-inspection at labor establishments located in the area and send it to the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.
1.2.2. People with meritorious services: Continue to comprehensively inspect the implementation of policies towards resistance activists and their children infected with toxic chemicals; the management and use of preferential funds for people with meritorious services to the revolution nationwide, ensuring that by the end of 2021, all dossiers of this subject are checked, reviewed and handled in accordance with regulations under the law.
1.2.3. Children: The Inspectorate of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, focusing on inspecting violence and abuse against children under Decision No. 1863/QD-TTg dated December 23, 12 of the Prime Minister approving the National Action Plan to prevent and combat violence and child abuse in the period 2019-2020 and Decision No. 1472/QD-TTg On September 28, 9, the Prime Minister issued a plan to implement and implement Resolution No. 2020/121/QH2020 dated June 14, 19 of the National Assembly on continuing to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the National Assembly. implementation of policies and laws on child abuse prevention and control.
1.2.4. Poverty reduction: Continue to inspect the implementation of poverty reduction support policies, ensuring that by the end of 2022, 100% of poor and near-poor households in the locality will be inspected.
1.2.5. The field of foreigners working in the locality: To accurately manage the number and operation of foreigners working in the locality, and carry out inspection and examination according to regulations.
1.2.6. Social insurance sector: Inspecting the implementation of the law on social insurance for social insurance agencies and businesses in the area under their management, focusing on inspecting debt enterprises long-term social insurance deposition, large amount of social insurance debt.
1.2.7. The field of vocational education: Inspecting the observance of the provisions of the law on vocational education, in which the focus is on inspecting the association of vocational education with job creation.
1.2.8. Other areas under the state management of the LOLISA sector: Select issues and contents that are pressing and are of interest to the public to develop an appropriate inspection plan for 2021.