Date issued: | 30/01/2022 | Effective date: | 30/01/2022 |
Document Type: | Resolution | Status: | Still validated |
GOVERMENT | SOCIAL REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness |
Number: 11/NQ-CP | Hanoi, date 30 month 01 year 2022 |
Pursuant to the June 19, 6 Law on Government Organization; The Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Government Organization and the Law on Organization of Local Government dated November 2015, 22;
Pursuant to Conclusion No. 24-KL/TW dated December 30, 12 of the Politburo on the program of socio-economic recovery and development;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 dated January 11, 01 of the National Assembly on fiscal and monetary policies to support the program of socio-economic recovery and development, Resolution No. 2022/46/QH2022 January 15, 11 of the National Assembly on the First Extraordinary Session, the XV National Assembly;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Document No. 669/TTr-BKHĐT dated January 27, 01 and Document No. 2022/BKHĐT-TH dated January 717, 28;
Based on the voting results of the Government members.
Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic has developed complicatedly, having a comprehensive impact on our country's economy, heavily affecting many areas of social life and the ability to implement the goals and targets. , annual and five-year socio-economic development tasks from 5 to 2021.
Implement Conclusion No. 24-KL/TW dated December 30, 12 of the Politburo, Resolution No. 2021/43/QH2022 dated January 15, 11 of the National Assembly, to contribute to helping the economy overcome difficulties soon. difficulties, do not miss the pace with the process of global economic recovery, and at the same time create a foundation and favorable conditions for socio-economic development for the whole period of 01-2022 and the following years, improving efficiency. , labor productivity, competitiveness, internal capacity and autonomy in the medium and long term, the Government unanimously directed all levels, branches and localities to focus on implementing the Recovery Program and social economic development (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and the main policies to implement the Program are as follows:
1. Perspective
a) Sticking to the Party's guidelines and orientations and resolutions of the National Assembly, persistently maintaining macroeconomic stability, improving productivity, quality, efficiency, competitiveness, autonomy, resilience and adaptability of the economy, promptly respond to immediate and long-term socio-economic development requirements, closely linked with the 5-year socio-economic development plan 2021-2025 , the annual socio-economic development plans, the economic restructuring plan for the period of 2021 - 2025, the national financial plan and the 5-year public debt and debt repayment plan for the 2021 - 2025 period, the plan medium-term public investment in the 2021-2025 period and the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control program (2022-2023).
b) To operate flexibly, closely, harmoniously and effectively with fiscal, monetary and other macro policies; strictly control inflation, ensure great balances of the economy; only increase the state budget deficit to increase development investment spending and ensure the state budget balance when implementing tax exemption and reduction solutions to support the Program.
c) Support policies The program has a large enough scale and resources, promoting both supply and demand sides; have central and central goals, identify the right subjects that need support to solve urgent problems, avoid spreading and wasting resources associated with the responsibilities of ministries, branches, localities and organizations , individuals involved, especially the head.
d) Support policies and solutions must be feasible, implemented immediately, promptly and effectively, mainly in the two years 2 and 2022 with an appropriate roadmap to improve capacity for COVID-2023 prevention and control. -19, recovery and socio-economic development; given resources can be disbursed and absorbed quickly; in case it is necessary to amend, supplement or promulgate new legal documents, the simplified order and procedures shall be followed.
d) Mobilizing, allocating, managing and effectively using resources; reasonable balance among regions, regions, localities, fields and priority subjects; easy to implement, easy to check, monitor and evaluate; fighting negativity, corruption, group interests, policy profiteering; ensure efficiency, fairness, publicity and transparency.
2. Goals
a) Restore and rapidly develop production and business activities, promote growth drivers, prioritize a number of important industries and fields, strive to achieve the goal of the 2021-2025 period: GDP growth average 6,5 - 7%/year, the public debt target is below the warning level allowed by the National Assembly in Resolution No. 23/2021/QH15, the unemployment rate in urban areas is below 4%; maintaining macroeconomic stability, ensuring major balances in the medium and long term.
b) Reduce costs, support cash flow, ensure initiative, create favorable conditions for businesses, economic organizations and people.
c) Effectively prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic; ensuring social security and people's lives, especially the workers, the poor, the vulnerable, those heavily affected by the epidemic; ensuring national defense, security, social order and safety.
3. Objects, support time
a) Supported objects include:
– People and workers affected by the epidemic;
– Enterprises, cooperatives, business households;
- Sectors and fields that create impetus for economic recovery and development.
b) Support period: mainly in 2 years 2022-2023; Some policies may be prolonged and additional resources may be implemented depending on the epidemic situation.
1. Opening the economy is associated with investment in capacity building in healthcare, disease prevention and control
a) Issue and organize the effective and timely implementation of the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control program (2022-2023); continue to guide and implement the roadmap for reopening tourism, air transport, entertainment services, culture and art in association with ensuring disease safety.
b) Continue to review, adjust and supplement regulations guiding and strengthen the organization of implementation, inspection, supervision, uniform implementation of regulations on travel, movement of workers, circulation safe goods, services and production, maintaining continuous and stable operation with suitable capacity and cost; effectively promote the population database in disease control and policy implementation.
c) Focusing on speeding up the implementation and disbursement of investment projects in new construction, renovation and upgrading of medical examination and treatment facilities where necessary, focusing on improving service quality and efficiency of the system. grassroots health system; strengthen the capacity of preventive medicine and regional disease control centers; improve the disease prevention and control capacity of hospitals and central hospitals in association with training, improving the quality of human resources in the health sector, domestic production of vaccines and COVID-19 treatment drugs, ensure the requirements of epidemic prevention.
2. Social security and employment support
a) Support for 3 months in rent for employees who have labor relations, are renting, staying in, and working in industrial parks, export processing zones, and key economic areas; in which the support level for employees returning to the labor market is 1 million VND/month and employees working in enterprises is 500 VND/month. Implementation time in the first 6 months of 2022.
b) Continue to review, research and have timely support policies for people and workers in difficult circumstances due to the impact of the epidemic.
c) Effectively implement preferential lending policies through the Bank for Social Policies:
– Loans to support job creation, job maintenance and expansion in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 61/2015/ND-CP dated July 09, 7, Decree No. 2015/74/ND-CP dated May 2019 September 23 and related documents. The maximum total loan capital is 9 billion VND.
– Loans to individuals and households to purchase, rent-purchase social housing, housing for workers; new construction or renovation or repair of houses according to the policy on social housing as prescribed in Article 16 of Decree No. 100/2015/ND-CP dated October 20, 10, Clause 2015, Article 10 of Decree No. 1 49/ND-CP dated April 2021, 01 and related documents. The maximum total loan capital is 4 billion VND.
– Loans for students to buy computers, online learning equipment and cover study costs. Loans to cover study costs are made according to Decision No. 157/2007/QD-TTg dated September 27, 9 and related documents. The maximum total loan capital is 2007 billion VND.
Loans for implementation of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021 – 2030 according to Resolution No. 88/2019/QH14 and Resolution No. 120/2020 /QH14 of the National Assembly. The maximum total loan capital is 9.000 billion VND.
Loans to non-public preschools and primary schools that must stop operating for at least 01 month according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. The maximum total loan capital is 1.400 billion VND.
– Grant interest rate and management fee compensation up to VND 2.000 billion for VBSP to deploy preferential loans under the Program according to the mechanism of compensation for the difference in interest rates and management fees specified in the management regulations. finance from the Bank for Social Policies.
d) An interest rate subsidy of 2%/year for 02 years from 2022-2023 for loans with a lending interest rate of over 6%/year and disbursed by the Bank for Social Policies in the period of 2022-2023. The total capital to support the maximum interest rate is 3.000 billion VND.
dd) Continue to refinance the Bank for Social Policies to lend to employers to pay wages for work stoppage, pay wages to restore production to employees, ensure feasibility and organize quick implementation. In reality.
e) Invest in strengthening the connection between supply and demand of labor nationwide on an online platform for consulting, job introduction and labor supply; to build, renovate, upgrade, expand and modernize training, vocational training and job creation institutions, especially high-quality and key colleges, and implement digital transformation in the field of education. vocational education; improve the capacity of the frontline grassroots of the system of social assistance facilities, taking care of the psychologically traumatized, disadvantaged and vulnerable people affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.
g) Equipping tablet computers under the program "Waves and computers for children" from the Vietnam Public-Utility Telecommunication Service Fund, ensuring publicity, transparency, right audience and effective use. The maximum total cost is 1.000 billion VND.
3. Support the recovery of enterprises, cooperatives, business households
a) Exemption or reduction of taxes, fees and charges:
– In 2022, groups of goods and services that are applying the 10% value-added tax rate will be entitled to a 2% tax rate reduction (to 8%) for business establishments that calculate value-added tax according to the following method. method of deduction and reduction of 20% of the percentage when issuing invoices for business establishments, business households and individuals that calculate value-added tax by the method of percentage on turnover, minus one the following groups of goods and services: telecommunications, information technology, financial activities, banking, securities, insurance, real estate business, metals, prefabricated metal products, products mining (excluding coal mining), coke, refined petroleum, chemical products, goods and services subject to excise tax.
– Reducing 50% of the environmental protection tax rate for jet fuel according to Resolution No. 13/2021/UBTVQH15 dated December 31, 12 of the National Assembly Standing Committee.
– Included in deductible expenses when determining corporate income taxable income for support and sponsorship expenses of enterprises and organizations for COVID-19 prevention and control activities in Vietnam for the period taxes in 2022.
– 30% reduction of land rent and water surface rent in 2022 for organizations, units, businesses, households and individuals that are directly leasing land from the State under a Decision or Contract or certificate land use rights, ownership of houses and other land-attached assets of competent state agencies in the form of land rental with annual payment must cease production and business due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic.
– Apply the export tax rate and import tax rate according to Decree No. 101/2021/ND-CP dated November 15, 11 and related documents.
– 50% reduction of registration fee when registering domestically manufactured or assembled cars according to Decree No. 103/2021/ND-CP dated November 26, 11.
Continue to review and reduce fees and charges to support and remove difficulties for those affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.
b) Extension of the deadline for paying corporate income tax, personal income tax, value added tax, excise tax and land rent in 2022.
c) Interest rate support of 2%/year for 2 years 2022 - 2023 through the system of commercial banks for commercial loans to businesses, cooperatives, business households that are able to repay, have resilience in industries and fields: aviation, transportation and warehousing; tourism, accommodation services, meals, education and training; agriculture, forestry and fishery; processing and manufacturing industries (including machinery, equipment, drugs, pharmaceutical chemicals, and herbal ingredients); software publishing; computer programming and related operations; information service activities; loans to renovate old apartments, build social houses, houses for workers to buy, rent and hire-purchase.
Support conditions: Belonging to beneficiaries, have received loans or meet loan conditions, and are approved by commercial banks.
d) Research to stabilize the maximum ratio of short-term capital for medium and long-term loans, reasonably calculate the required reserve ratio, perform open market operations, refinance, and direct credit institutions The company will continue to reduce operating costs to strive to reduce lending interest rates by about 0,5% - 1% in 2 and 2022, especially for priority sectors.
dd) Continue to restructure the repayment term, exempt and reduce loan interest and maintain the same debt group for customers affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, closely monitoring economic and monetary developments to have appropriate solutions to support businesses and people, and at the same time ensure the safe operation of the system of credit institutions.
e) Increase charter capital from profit after tax, after setting aside funds for the period of 2021 - 2023 for joint stock commercial banks where the State holds more than 50% of charter capital and from the state budget for joint stock banks. with the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
g) Review and amend regulations on removing obstacles in regulations on spending and management of the enterprise's Science and Technology Development Fund; create favorable conditions for enterprises for technological innovation, technology incubation, science and technology business incubation, commercialization of scientific research and technological development results; decoding technology; purchase equipment, machinery and raw materials for technological innovation, directly serving production and business activities of enterprises.
h) Continue to study and consider reducing electricity and water bills for businesses and people.
4. Infrastructure development investment
a) Concentrating capital for important and urgent projects with large spillover effects, capable of being disbursed quickly and immediately absorbed into the economy, in accordance with the planning, using capital effectively, ensure the ability to balance capital to complete the project in the period of 2022 - 2025; prioritize support for site clearance for a number of new projects of great significance to socio-economic development.
Striving to soon complete the entire North-South expressway to the East, routes connecting the Northern mountainous region, the Central Highlands with the Central region, the expressways in the Southeast region and the Mekong Delta; transport infrastructure connecting regions, seaports, border gates, industrial zones and clusters; digital infrastructure, digital transformation; health and social infrastructure; labor – employment; prevent and combat erosion of riverbanks and coasts, ensure safety of water reservoirs, adapt to climate change, and overcome consequences of natural disasters.
The selection and allocation of capital for projects under the Program ensures disbursement of the Program's capital in the years 02 and 2022, in compliance with the principles and criteria specified in Item dd, Section 2023, Clause 1.2, Article 1 of the Decree. Decision No. 3/43/QH2022 of the National Assembly.
b) Apply specific mechanisms in Article 5 of Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 to speed up the implementation and disbursement of investment projects under the Program.
c) Effectively use the resources of the Vietnam Public-Utility Telecommunication Service Fund to invest in the development of telecommunications and internet infrastructure.
5. Institutional reform, administrative reform, improvement of business investment environment
a) Expeditiously develop and submit for promulgation on schedule, ensuring the quality of documents detailing and guiding the implementation of Laws and Resolutions at the 2nd and XNUMXst Extraordinary Meetings of the National Assembly. Assembly XV.
b) Continue to review and remove barriers on institutions, mechanisms, policies and legal regulations that hinder production and business activities; speeding up the roadmap for reducing and simplifying administrative procedures and improving the business investment environment; strengthen the handling of administrative procedures on the online platform; continue to research and implement breakthrough solutions, encourage innovation, promote digital transformation, develop digital economy, green economy, circular economy associated with sustainable development; urgently study and remove difficulties and obstacles on mechanisms, policies, laws, planning and land fund related to social housing and housing for workers.
c) Focus on improving the capacity of state management, social administration, qualifications and capacity of the contingent of officials at all levels, branches and localities; strengthen supervision, inspection and strictly handle violations.
d) Synchronously and flexibly administer monetary policy tools, closely coordinate with fiscal policy and other macroeconomic policies to actively support the process of economic recovery and development – society, but not being subjective to inflation risks, maintaining macroeconomic stability, and safety of the credit institution system.
dd) Closely monitor macro indicators to take timely solutions to ensure macroeconomic stability and major balances, with particular focus on inflation and bad debt targets; strive to increase revenue, save expenditure, reduce overspending to achieve the targets in the National Financial Plan and borrow and repay the 5-year public debt in the period of 2021 - 2025; in case of big changes or risks, promptly report to competent authorities for consideration and decision. Balance the monetary solution to support the Program with the overall plan to restructure specially controlled banks.
1. Allocate resources to perform the spending tasks of the Program according to the provisions of Article 3 of Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly, in which:
a) Increase the overspending for direct support from the state budget to a maximum of VND 240 trillion, including:
– Reduce taxes, fees and charges as prescribed in Item a, point 3, Section II of this Resolution up to 64 trillion VND.
- Direct expenditure from the state budget is up to 176 trillion VND, only used for development investment:
Allocate a maximum of 14 thousand billion VND to invest in building, renovating and upgrading medical examination and treatment establishments where necessary, improving the service quality of the grassroots health system; strengthen the capacity of preventive medicine, regional disease control centers, improve disease prevention and control capacity of hospitals and central hospitals in association with training, and improve the quality of human resources in the field of disease. healthcare, domestic production of vaccines and drugs to treat COVID-19.
Grant the Bank for Social Policies a maximum of 5 trillion VND, including: (i) Supplemental allowance for interest rate compensation and management fee up to 2 trillion VND to implement the preferential lending policy to implement the Program according to the mechanism specified in the Financial Management Regulation for the Bank for Social Policies; (ii) Support interest rate (2%/year) up to 3 trillion VND as prescribed in Item d, Point 2, Section II of this Resolution.
Investment in building, renovating, upgrading, expanding and modernizing social assistance, training, vocational training and job creation establishments up to VND 3,15 trillion.
Support interest rate (2%/year) up to 40 trillion VND through the system of commercial banks as prescribed in Item c, Point 3, Section II of this Resolution.
The maximum charter capital for the Tourism Development Support Fund is 300 billion VND.
To supplement up to 113,55 trillion VND of investment capital from the state budget for infrastructure development: traffic, information technology, digital transformation, prevention and control of riverbank and coastal erosion, conservation ensure the safety of water reservoirs, adapt to climate change, and overcome the consequences of natural disasters.
b) Using about VND 6,6 trillion from the revenue increase and savings from the central budget in 2021 to support house rent for employees according to the provisions of Item a, point 2, Section II of this Resolution.
c) Extension of time limit for tax and land rent payment as prescribed in Item b, Point 3, Section II of this Resolution is about 135 trillion VND.
d) Increase the Government guarantee limit for domestically issued bonds for the Bank for Social Policies to a maximum of VND 38,4 trillion, of which a maximum of VND 2022 trillion will be provided in 19 for lending in accordance with regulations in Clause 2 of this Article. Item c, Point XNUMX, Section II of this Resolution.
dd) Use up to VND 46 trillion from other legal financial sources to import vaccines, therapeutic drugs and medical equipment and supplies for COVID-19 prevention and control in case of necessity. .
e) Using about 5 trillion VND from the Vietnam Fund for Public Utilities Telecommunication Services to develop telecommunications and internet infrastructure, of which maximum use is 1 trillion VND to equip tablets to implement the Program " Waves and computers for me."
g) Using about 5 trillion VND for technology innovation, technology incubation, science and technology business incubation, commercialization of scientific research and technological development results; decoding technology; purchase equipment, machinery and raw materials for technological innovation, directly serving production and business activities of enterprises.
2. Mobilize resources for the implementation of the Program on the basis of making full use of available resources, sources of revenue increase and spending savings of the central budget and the disbursement capacity to have a mobilization plan suitable for each moment through the following tools:
a) Issue Government bonds, ensure the principle of close coordination in the administration of monetary policy, fiscal policy and other macro policies, maintain macroeconomic stability, financial market , currency and major balance security; consistent with the debt repayment, disbursement, and absorption capacity of the economy, ensuring efficiency and avoiding waste. Priority is to be given to the issuance of domestic government bonds in local currency, the average issuance term may be less than 9 years in 2 and 2022. In case of necessity to issue in foreign currency, the Government shall report to the competent authority. consider and decide before deploying;
b) Official development assistance (ODA) loans, foreign preferential loans in the form of budget balance support;
c) In case of necessity, borrow from other suitable lawful financial sources and repay them when there are sources in the annual financial plan - state budget or other sources as prescribed; allows direct issuance of Government bonds to the State Bank of Vietnam.
1. Ministries, central and local agencies according to their assigned functions, tasks and competence:
a) Concentrating on the implementation of related tasks and solutions specified in this Resolution; where necessary, proactively and promptly provide specific instructions for implementation.
b) Monitor, evaluate and supervise the results of the Program's implementation by sector or field of management; periodically before the end of August 8, August 2022 and April 8, send reports to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to summarize, report to the Government, the Prime Minister, and submit to the National Assembly on actual results. show Program.
c) Promote responsibility, especially the responsibility of the head in leading, directing the organization, implementing the contents and policies specified in this Resolution. Expeditiously have specific action plans and programs and direct agencies, units, cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees under their management to implement them; do well in guiding, propagating and mobilizing the business community and people about the mechanisms, policies and solutions in this Resolution; absolutely do not allow the situation of "please-give", causing difficulties, troubles and negative effects for people and businesses; proactively coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to handle arising problems. Regularly supervise, inspect, urge and take strict measures against collectives and individuals that cause difficulties and harassment to people and businesses, stagnation and lack of responsibility in the performance of official duties.
2. Ministry of Planning and Investment
a) Monitor, summarize and evaluate the results of the Program implementation, propose adjustments and supplements to policies and solutions (if necessary), submit them to the Government and the Prime Minister for consideration and decision. report to the National Assembly at the last session of 2022 and 2023, and a final report at the mid-term session of 2024.
b) Closely monitor the situation, promptly report to the Government, the Prime Minister, propose tasks and solutions to maintain macroeconomic stability and major balances of the economy.
c) During the implementation of the Program, when necessary, for contents falling under the competence of each level, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and relevant ministries and agencies in, reporting to the Government, The Prime Minister flexibly adjusts spending tasks of the Program or reports to competent authorities for consideration and decision; In urgent cases, in the time between two sessions of the National Assembly, it shall report to the competent authority to request the policy to report to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for consideration and decision and to the National Assembly at the nearest session.
d) Based on the list of projects in Report No. 01/BC-CP and Report No. 02/TTr-CP dated January 02, 01, reported by the Government to the National Assembly at the first Extraordinary Session , the XV National Assembly, the review results and recommendations of the ministries, central agencies and localities, responsible for synthesizing the list of tasks, projects and capital allocation plans in the two years 2022-02 and each year 2022, 2023 of the Program; before February 2022, 2023, report to the Prime Minister, consider, decide and authorize the Minister of Planning and Investment to notify the total capital, list details and expected capital level for each task. , projects of each ministry, central agency and locality to serve as a basis to urgently complete investment procedures according to regulations.
dd) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in, summarizing tasks and projects under the Program that have met all investment procedures and conditions for assigning capital plans, and formulating a plan to allocate state budget estimates in 2022 for spending tasks under the Program, reporting to the Government and the Prime Minister in the first quarter of 2022.
e) Based on the opinions of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in, submitting to the Prime Minister for decision the allocation of the total capital of the Program, the list of details and the amount of capital for the Program. estimated capital for each task and project of each ministry, central agency and locality; additionally assign the estimate and the level of public investment capital in 2022 for each task and project under the Program in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Investment and the Law on the State Budget.
g) Based on the ability and actual implementation of the tasks and projects under the Program and proposals of the Ministries, central agencies and localities, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in, the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Finance to develop a plan to flexibly adjust public investment capital in the Medium-term Public Investment Plan for the period of 2021 - 2025 and the public investment capital of the Program in 2022-2023, report to the Government and Prime Minister The Government considers and decides according to its competence.
h) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies in, implementing the specific mechanism specified in Article 5 of the National Assembly's Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 on appointment of contractors in 2 and 2022 for packages consulting tenders, bidding packages for relocation of technical infrastructure, bidding packages for compensation, site clearance and resettlement, construction and installation bidding packages of important national projects, important infrastructure projects Urgent and large-scale importance for transport and health infrastructure under the Program:
- Issue instructions to ministries and agencies to consider and decide on contractor appointment cases under their jurisdiction in the first quarter of 2022.
- Appraise and submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision cases of contractor appointment under the Prime Minister's competence.
Contractors shall perform the bidding packages specified in this Clause until the project is completed. Order and procedures for appointment of contractors in accordance with the law on bidding.
i) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Transport in, in the first quarter of 2022, submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision the decentralization to the provincial-level People's Committees of localities that have sufficient capacity and experience to and make a written proposal to act as the governing body for the implementation of expressway sections in the form of public investment passing through the areas under the Program (except for the East North-South Expressway Construction Project). period 2021 - 2025 (under the unified management by the Ministry of Transport as the governing body) on the basis of maximum utilization of the capacity of the Ministry of Transport. The governing body specified in this clause may implement the expressway sections until the project is completed.
k) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Transport and localities in, reviewing and developing the list and the amount of capital to be allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years 02-2022 and each year. 2023, 2022, for traffic projects managed by the locality, report to the Government and the Prime Minister for consideration and decision according to their competence.
l) Closely coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam in formulating and submitting to the Government for promulgation a Decree guiding the implementation of interest rate support from the state budget for enterprises, cooperatives and business households of a State budget. the number of branches and domains as prescribed in Item c, Point 3, Section II of this Resolution.
3. Ministry of Finance
a) Take charge of implementing solutions to mobilize resources for the implementation of the Program as prescribed at Point 2, Section III of this Resolution and implement the following solutions:
- Strictly manage revenue sources, strive to increase revenue, reduce overspending, thoroughly save state budget expenditures, especially non-business expenditures of investment nature; accelerate the tax reform roadmap, combat revenue loss, transfer pricing, tax evasion, and reduce tax arrears; modernize the tax, customs, and state treasury systems, deploy e-invoices, take advantage of opportunities to increase state budget revenue, especially revenue from cross-border digital transactions and digital-based services are being provided to consumers in Vietnam; recovery of recurrent expenditures that are slow to be allocated or deployed.
- Flexible use of appropriate mechanisms, policies and tools to mobilize more domestic and foreign resources to implement the Program; report to competent authorities the plan to increase excise tax on a number of goods that need to be restricted in order to promptly apply during the implementation of the Program;
– Coordinate with ministries, central and local agencies to accelerate the equitization and divestment of state capital in state-owned enterprises; actively review financial funds outside the state budget, capital sources from trade unions and socio-political organizations, investment capacity of the State Capital Investment Corporation to propose propose appropriate mobilization and use plans; research solutions to mobilize entrusted capital from the local budget for the Bank for Social Policies.
– To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in, submitting to the Prime Minister for decision the mobilization of ODA capital and foreign preferential loans in the form of budget support.
– In case of necessity, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam in, reporting to the competent authorities for decision on the plan to issue Government bonds in foreign currency, the plan to mobilize from lawful financial sources. other suitable; submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision the direct issuance of Government bonds to the State Bank of Vietnam.
b) Flexible use of capital mobilized for the Program and capital mobilized according to the national financial plan and borrowing and repaying public debt every 5 years, annually; ensure adequate and timely allocation of funds for expenditure tasks of the state budget in general and of the Program in particular.
c) Closely monitor the targets in the National Financial Plan and borrow and repay the 5-year public debt in the period of 2021 - 2025; in case of big changes or risks, take the lead in reporting and submitting to the Government and Prime Minister for timely reporting to competent authorities for consideration and decision.
d) Coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in summarizing tasks and projects under the Program that have met all investment procedures and conditions for assigning capital plans, and formulating plans for allocation of state budget estimates in 2022 for spending tasks under the Program, reporting to the Government and the Prime Minister in the first quarter of 2022.
dd) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Health and the State Bank of Vietnam in, reporting to competent authorities the use of other lawful financial sources for the import of vaccines, therapeutic drugs, and equipment and supplies. Healthcare for the prevention and control of COVID-19
e) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Bank for Social Policies in, submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation a decision on the bond issuance plan of the Social Policy Bank for lending to policy beneficiaries according to the provisions of law. specified in Item c, Point 2, Section II of this Resolution in the first quarter of 2022.
g) Submitting to the Government and the Prime Minister for promulgation documents detailing the implementation of tax exemption and reduction policies according to Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15; regulations on land rent reduction, extension of time for payment of taxes and land rents according to the contents of Item a and Item b, Point 3, Section II of this Resolution.
h) Closely coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam in formulating and submitting to the Government for promulgation a Decree guiding the implementation of loan interest rate support from the state budget for enterprises, cooperatives and business households. according to the provisions of Item c, Point 3, Section II of this Resolution.
i) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam and relevant agencies in, submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation a Decision to guide the implementation of interest rate support for the Bank for Social Policies in the first quarter of 2022. .
k) Review and develop a list and the amount of capital planned to be allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years 02-2022 and each year 2023 and 2022 under its management, and send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment. for collection by February 2023, 15.
l) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training and relevant agencies in, submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation the Decision on loans for student loans to purchase computers for school. Online training due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic in February 02.
m) Urgently amend the contents in the field of management in Circular No. 12/2016/TTLT-BKHCN-BTC dated June 28, 6 in the first quarter of 2016 in order to promptly remove difficulties and obstacles in use using the enterprise's Science and Technology Development Fund.
4. State Bank of Vietnam
a) Synchronously and flexibly administer monetary policy tools to contribute to maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation, ensuring the safety of the credit institution system, actively supporting the socio-economic recovery and development; implementing solutions to handle bad debts of the system of credit institutions.
b) Direct credit institutions to continue to reduce operating costs to strive to reduce lending interest rates by about 0,5% - 1% in 2 and 2022, especially for priority sectors.
c) Balancing the monetary solution to support the Program with the overall plan for restructuring specially controlled banks.
d) Study and implement the policy of extending the time for restructuring the repayment term, exempting and reducing loan interest and keeping the same debt group for customers affected by the COVID-19 epidemic in case of necessity.
dd) Reasonable monetary regulation, closely coordinating with fiscal policy, creating favorable conditions for the issuance of Government bonds and for credit institutions to continue investing in Government bonds.
e) Coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health in using other lawful financial sources to meet the demand for importing vaccines, therapeutic drugs, and medical equipment and supplies for COVID-19 prevention and control. -XNUMX.
g) In the first quarter of 2022, assume the prime responsibility for, and closely coordinate with, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment in submitting to the Government for promulgation a Decree guiding the implementation of loan interest rate support from the state budget for enterprises, cooperatives and business households as prescribed in Item c, Point 3, Section II of this Resolution; on that basis, promulgate a Circular guiding the implementation of commercial banks.
h) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, submitting to the Government for promulgation the Government's Decree on preferential credit policies for the implementation of the national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority areas. ethnic minorities and mountainous areas in the period of 2021 – 2025 in the first quarter of 2022.
i) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in, submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision a plan to increase charter capital from after-tax profits, after setting aside funds for the 2021-2023 period for commercial banks. shares held by the State over 50% of charter capital.
k) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in, submitting to the Government for consideration and reporting to the National Assembly the plan to increase charter capital for the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development from the state budget in the first quarter of 2022.
5. Ministry of Industry and Trade
a) Closely monitor the situation of domestic trade, import and goods trade, energy security to support the period of economic recovery and development.
b) Research and propose competent authorities to continue to support electricity prices and electricity bills for businesses and people at an appropriate time.
c) Coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to review and develop the list and the amount of capital to be allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years 02-2022 and each year 2023 and 2022. under management.
6. Ministry of Health
a) Closely and effectively coordinate with ministries, central and local agencies to continue reviewing, guiding and implementing health and safety measures, suitable to the situation and open schedule. reopening tourism, air transport, entertainment services, culture and art in association with ensuring disease safety; reviewing, adjusting and supplementing guiding regulations, strengthening inspection, supervision and organizing the implementation, ensuring consistent implementation of regulations on travel and movement of workers, circulation of goods , safe service and production, maintain continuous and stable operation with suitable capacity and cost.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with competent authorities in, formulating plans and implementation roadmaps to ensure timely and effective supply of vaccines, therapeutic drugs, and equipment and supplies for COVID-19 prevention and control. fruit.
c) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, central and local agencies in, reviewing and developing a list and the amount of capital to be allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years 02-2022 and each project. 2023, 2022 in the health sector, send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis before February 2023, 15.
7. Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant localities in, formulating and submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation a decision on housing rent support for employees as prescribed in Item a, Point 2, Section II of the Resolution. this in February 02.
b) Summarize and evaluate policies to support people and employees affected by the Covid-19 epidemic; propose and report to competent authorities for consideration and continued implementation of timely support policies for people and employees affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. As for the support policy for employers to borrow money to pay for work stoppage, pay wages to restore production to employees, evaluate the implementation results, report to the Prime Minister in February 02 for consideration. , continue to implement this policy in accordance with the provisions of Item dd, Point 2022, Section II of this Resolution.
c) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, central and local agencies in, reviewing and developing a list and the amount of capital to be allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years 02-2022 and each project. in 2023 and 2022 for social assistance, training, vocational training, job creation and digital transformation and information technology projects under their management, send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summary before February 2023, 15.
8. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministries of: Transport, Construction, Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant ministries, branches and localities in promulgating guiding documents. In February 02, the implementation of the specific mechanism specified in Clause 2022, Article 2 of the National Assembly's Resolution No. 5/43/QH2022 on mining minerals for use as common building materials is included in the Material Survey Dossier. construction materials for important national transport infrastructure projects under the Program; the mining of minerals specified in this Clause shall be carried out until the project is completed.
9. The Ministry of Transport reviews and develops a list and the amount of capital expected to be allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years of 02-2022 and each year 2023 and 2022 for traffic projects. under its management, and send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis before February 2023, 15.
10. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, central agencies and localities in, reviewing and building a list and the amount of capital to be allocated under the Program for each task or project. in 02 years 2022-2023 and each year 2022, 2023 for investment projects to prevent and control riverbank and coastal erosion, ensure safety of water reservoirs, adapt to climate change, and overcome consequences of natural disasters projects and digital transformation and information technology projects under their management, shall be sent to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis before February 15, 02.
11. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
– Actively assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Health, other ministries, agencies and localities in formulating, and considering and deciding according to their competence a plan to open up international tourism and entertainment services. , culture and art according to an appropriate route, ensuring disease safety.
– Review and develop the list and the amount of capital expected to be allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years 02-2022 and each year 2023, 2022 in the field of digital transformation and information technology within the scope of the project. vi to manage and provide charter capital for the Tourism Development Support Fund, and send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis before February 2023, 15.
12. Ministry of Information and Communications
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training and relevant ministries, branches and localities in deploying the provision of tablet computers under the program "Waves and computers for children" from the Telecommunication Service Fund. Vietnamese public communication.
b) Formulate a plan and decide according to its competence on support for investment in development of telecommunications and internet infrastructure from the Vietnam Public Utilities Telecommunication Service Fund in the first quarter of 2022.
c) Review and develop the list and the amount of capital to be allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years 02-2022 and each year 2023, 2022 in the field of digital transformation and information technology in management scope, send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis before February 2023, 15.
d) Direct and orient the work of information and communication in the press and on the information system on the basis of the results achieved in all fields such as socio-economic, epidemic prevention and control, medical support, social security policies, policies of the Party and State, timely and effective support for people and businesses; popularize and educate the people's awareness, knowledge and skills of defense against natural disasters and epidemics; providing information, skills, medical examination, treatment and preventive medicine services, including COVID-19 epidemic, to people and localities. Dissemination of international good models and best practices; calling for the spirit of mutual affection, mutual love and mutual help; promptly praise and encourage good examples, good examples, good practices, create consensus in society, and strengthen the people's trust.
dd) Coordinating with the Central Propaganda Department to lead and direct comprehensive information on the epidemic prevention and control, socio-economic situation on domestic and foreign information channels; promptly prevent, refute, and strictly handle information that is malicious, untrue, inciting, causing negative impacts, and hindering epidemic prevention and control, socio-economic recovery and development. Ensure online connection for smooth direction from the central government to each commune, ward and township.
13. The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Bank for Social Policies, ministries, agencies and localities to focus on removing obstacles. problems with mechanisms, policies and laws, effectively implementing policies to support social housing and housing for workers; Renovating and rebuilding old apartments.
14. The Ministry of Science and Technology urgently amends Circular No. 12/2016/TTLT-BKHCN-BTC dated June 28, 6 in the first quarter of 2016 for contents under its management to promptly remove difficulties and obstacles in using the enterprise's Science and Technology Development Fund.
15. The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Health and localities in, stipulating according to its competence standards, conditions and procedures for safe, scientific, appropriate and effective school opening; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Bank for Social Policies and relevant agencies in, submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation a Decision on conditions, order, procedures, and interest rates for lending institutions. non-public preschool and primary schools in the first quarter of 2022.
16. Bank for Social Policy
a) Expeditiously implement preferential loan programs for the priority subjects in the Program. In order to promote the efficiency of resources, based on the actual situation, the Bank for Social Policies flexibly adjusts the capital source during the year from tasks with low implementation progress to tasks with faster implementation progress and is subject to responsibility. comprehensive responsibility before the Government, the Prime Minister.
b) Summarize the need for funds for interest rate support, interest rate compensation and management fees to implement the Program's policies in the two years of 02-2022 and each year, and send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis. before February 2023, 15. Finalize the grant of interest compensation and management fees for the Program in accordance with the financial management regulations of the Bank for Social Policies.
c) Formulate a Government-guaranteed bond issuance scheme, send the application for a guarantee to the Ministry of Finance for submission to the Prime Minister for approval, issue a government guarantee to the Bank for Social Policies and issuer, manage the capital source of government-guaranteed bond issuance in accordance with the law on the issuance and management of government guarantees and Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly.
d) Separately monitor outstanding loans to preferential credit programs mentioned in Item c, Point 2, Section II of this Resolution.
17. Ministries, central and local agencies
a) Effectively and consistently implement the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control program (2022-2023); use flexible and effective epidemic prevention measures to minimize the impact on production and business; implement safe production and business methods, adapt well to different developments of the epidemic in order to smoothly maintain production and business activities in the context of the epidemic.
b) To step up a thorough review and propose the removal of institutional and legal barriers hindering production and business activities; accelerate the promulgated roadmap for reducing and simplifying administrative procedures and improving the business investment environment; strengthen the handling of administrative procedures on the online platform; researching and implementing breakthrough solutions, encouraging innovation, digital transformation, digital economy, green economy, circular economy associated with rapid recovery and sustainable development.
c) Localities study and propose competent authorities to continue supporting businesses and people at an appropriate time; allocate funds to implement the Program's policies under the responsibility of the local budgets under their management.
d) Take the initiative in formulating specific solutions and policies of industries, fields and localities in order to quickly recover and develop the economy sustainably.
dd) Strengthen the exploitation of the national database on population to serve policy making; building e-Government; administrative reform.
e) Training to improve the capacity of state management, social administration, and qualifications and capacity of the contingent of cadres and civil servants; develop plans for disease prevention, control and adaptation, regularly inspect and supervise the implementation; prepare plans in emergency and worst situations, not to be passive, unexpected, affecting coping capacity. Bringing into play the strength of the people and the grassroots political system in organizing the prevention and control of natural disasters and epidemics.
g) Based on the tasks and projects expected to be invested from the Program in Report No. 01/BC-CP and Report No. 02/TTr-CP dated January 02, 01 of the Government, proactively review and develop develop the list and the estimated amount of capital allocated under the Program for each task and project in the two years 2022-02 and each year 2022 and 2023 within the scope of its management, and send it to the Ministries managing the sectors and fields for summarization according to regulations. request; for digital transformation and information technology projects, send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before February 2022, 2023.
– Regarding disbursement of public investment capital: (i) Urgently complete investment procedures for projects under the Program in accordance with the Law on Public Investment and relevant laws; (ii) Speeding up the site clearance, promptly removing difficulties and problems related to land and natural resources; (iii) Urging and speeding up the construction progress; carry out pre-acceptance test, make payment documents as soon as the volume is available; (iv) Reviewing and transferring capital plans between slow disbursement projects to projects with good disbursement progress and lacking capital; (v) Establish a working group to promote capital disbursement in each ministry, agency and locality to urge, inspect, supervise and handle bottlenecks in disbursement of public investment capital; (vi) Review the responsibilities of the concerned collectives, heads and individuals in case the disbursement plan is not completed according to the set schedule; (vii) Resolutely combat stagnation, strictly handle negative cases in public investment; (viii) Conduct online bidding in accordance with regulations, ensure publicity and transparency, and select qualified contractors; (ix) Strictly handle cases of contractors violating contract progress and quality.
– Heads of ministries, central agencies and localities: (i) Take full responsibility before the Government and Prime Minister for the results of urging, inspecting and organizing the disbursement of public investment capital of the Government. their ministries, agencies and localities; (ii) Assign specific leaders of agencies and units directly in charge, direct the disbursement, regularly check progress in the field, promptly remove difficulties and obstacles for each project; (iii) Organize weekly briefings with governing bodies and investors on the status of project implementation and disbursement of public investment plans. Do not let public investment be delayed, prolonged or inefficient while resources are limited and public opinion is pressing and concerned.
h) Quarterly, report on the implementation of investment tasks up to the reporting time and summarize the capital disbursement needs in the next quarter, and send it to the Ministry of Finance to make a capital mobilization plan close to the date of the report. In fact, send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to urge and accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital.
i) Effectively and promptly implement specific mechanisms to accelerate public investment projects under the Program, ensuring publicity, transparency, and combating negativity, corruption and waste.
k) Strengthening inspection and supervision, stepping up the prevention and combat of negativity, corruption and wastefulness, preventing negative acts, corruption and profiteering policies; ensure publicity and transparency in the implementation organization.
18. Vietnam Television Station, Voice of Vietnam Radio, and Vietnam News Agency are more proactive and active in providing timely, accurate and comprehensive information on the country's situation and business support policies. , people, program implementation results.
19. The Government proposes:
a) Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly, Delegations of the National Assembly, National Assembly deputies, People's Councils of provinces and centrally-run cities, National Assembly Front; Vietnam, its member organizations shall, within the ambit of their duties and powers, supervise the implementation of this Resolution.
b) The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Vietnam Confederation of Trade and Industry, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, socio-political organizations, socio-professional organizations strengthen supervision and supervision. supervise, coordinate in urging, inspecting and evaluating the implementation of the Program, and at the same time rejecting fake, malicious and distorting news about epidemic prevention and control to create consensus and trust among the people; regularly research, grasp the situation, propose solutions to support, remove difficulties and problems for businesses.
c) The State Audit shall organize the annual audit of the implementation of the Program, ensuring fast, effective, public, transparent, anti-negative, corruption, group interests, and reporting. The National Assembly at the last session of 2022, 2023 and the middle session of 2024.
20. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, Presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities, Presidents of Members' Council, General Directors of corporations and corporations State-owned companies are directly responsible to the Government and the Prime Minister for the active and proactive implementation and results of the implementation of this Resolution; In the course of implementation, in case problems arise, promptly and fully report and propose to the competent authorities according to regulations./.
Recipients: | TM. GOVERMENT |