Accounting regime for micro enterprises Circular 132/2018/TT-BTC

| Updated: 01/07/2022
Where issued:The financialEffective date:15/02/2019
Date issued:28/12/2018Status:Still validated
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Number: 132 / 2018 / TT-BTCHanoi, date 28 month 12 year 2018



Pursuant to the Accounting Law No. 88 / 2015 / QH13 dated 20 tháng 11 năm 2015;

Pursuant to the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Support No. 04 / 2017 / QH14 dated 12 month 6 year 2017;

Pursuant to the Decree No. XNXX / 174 / ND-CP dated 2016 month 30X 12 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Accounting Law;

Pursuant to the Decree No. 39 / 2018 / ND-CP dated 11 / 3 / 2018 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law to support small and medium enterprises;

Pursuant to the Decree No. 87 / 2017 / ND-CP dated 26 / 7 / 2017 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance;

At the request of the Director of the Department of Accounting and Auditing and Management,

Minister of Finance issued Circular guiding the Accounting regime for micro enterprises.

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope

This Circular guides the accounting of books, making and presenting financial statements of micro enterprises. The determination of the tax obligations of the enterprise to the State budget shall comply with the provisions of tax law.

Article 2. Subject of application

1. Subjects of application This Circular is micro enterprises, including micro enterprises that pay corporate income tax (CIT) by the method calculated on taxable income and method by percentage of revenue. selling goods and services.

2. Criteria for determining micro enterprises to implement the accounting regime under this Circular comply with tax law.

Article 3. Apply accounting regime

1. Micro enterprises pay CIT according to the method calculated on taxable income and apply the accounting regime in accordance with Chapter II of this Circular.

2. Micro-enterprises that pay CIT calculated as a percentage of the turnover from the sale of goods and services may apply the accounting regime specified in Chapter III of this Circular or may choose to apply the accounting regime according to specified in Chapter II of this Circular.

3. Micro enterprises can choose to apply the Small and Medium Enterprise Accounting System issued in accordance with Circular No. XNXX / 133 / TT-BTC dated 2016 / 26 / 8 of the Ministry of Finance to suit their operating characteristics. business production and management requirements of the business.

4. Micro enterprises must apply a consistent accounting regime in a fiscal year. The change of applicable accounting regime is only implemented at the beginning of the next fiscal year.

Article 4. Financial paper

1. The contents of accounting vouchers, the making and signing of accounting vouchers of micro-enterprises shall comply with the provisions of Article 16, Article XNXX, Article 17, Article 18 of the Accounting Law and specific guidance in this Circular.

2. Contents and forms of invoices, order of making, managing and using invoices (including electronic invoices) comply with tax law.

3. Micro enterprises are able to build accounting voucher forms in accordance with their business characteristics, ensuring clear, transparent, easy to check and control (except for invoices of selling goods and services). ). In case the microenterprise does not build its own accounting voucher forms, it is possible to apply the form and method of making accounting vouchers guided in Appendix 2 of this Circular.

Article 5. Accounting books

1. The contents of the accounting books, the system of accounting books, the opening, recording, closing of books, the keeping of accounting books and the correction of accounting books at micro-enterprises shall comply with the provisions of Article 24, Article XNXX. , Article 25, 26 Accounting Law and specific guidance in this Circular.

2. Micro enterprises are able to build accounting books in accordance with their business characteristics, ensuring clear, transparent, easy to check and control. In case the microenterprise does not build its own accounting book form for its own unit, it is allowed to apply the form and method of recording accounting books guided in this Circular.

Article 6. Currency unit used in accounting

Micro enterprises apply regulations on calculation units used in accounting according to the provisions of Article 10 of Accounting Law and Article 4 of Decree No. XNXX / 174 / ND-CP on the regulation of 2016 / 30 / 12 of the Government. detail some articles of the Accounting Law.

Article 7. Regulations on storage and preservation of accounting documents

1. Accounting vouchers, accounting books and other accounting documents must be kept at enterprises for daily recording; determine the tax obligations of micro enterprises with the state budget and the inspection and control work of the enterprise owners, tax agencies or competent state agencies.

2. The preservation and archival of accounting documents of micro-enterprises shall comply with the provisions of the Accounting Law and Decree No. XNXX / 174 / ND-CP of the Government dated 2016 / 30 / 12 detailing a number of Article of Accounting Law.

3. Micro enterprises are allowed to store accounting vouchers, accounting books and other accounting documents on electronic means in accordance with the Accounting Law.

Article 8. Organize accounting apparatus and accountants

1. Micro enterprises are arranged in charge of accounting without having to arrange chief accountants. Micro enterprises pay CIT at the percentage of sales of goods and services, which can organize accounting work in accordance with Chapter III of this Circular.

2. The arrangement of accountants of microenterprises must not violate the provisions of Article 19 of Decree No. XNXX / 174 / ND-CP of the Government dated 2016 / 30 / 12 detailing a number of articles of Accounting law.

3. Micro enterprises are allowed to sign contracts with accounting service business units to hire accounting or service services as chief accountants in accordance with law. The list of eligible units for accounting service business is published and updated periodically on the electronic portal of the Ministry of Finance.

Chapter II



Article 9. Financial paper

1. Micro enterprises pay CIT according to the method calculated on taxable income and apply accounting vouchers according to the following list:


Name of voucher



Documents specified in this Circular


Cash receipts

Model number 01-TT


Cash voucher

Model number 02-TT



Form of 01-VT


Delivery bill

Form of 02-VT


Minutes of delivery and reception of fixed assets

Form No. 01-fixed assets


Payment table of salaries and incomes of employees

Form No. 01-LDTL


Documents prescribed under other laws


VAT invoice or sales invoice



Tax payment paper to the state budget



Bank Debit Notice


2. Accounting voucher forms, contents and methods of making accounting vouchers in Clause 1 of this Article are guided in Appendix 1 "Forms and methods of making accounting vouchers" issued together with the Circular. this.

3. In addition to the accounting documents guided in Item 1 of this Article, micro enterprises may choose to apply accounting vouchers in Circular No. XNXX / 133 / TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance on the date of import / export / import / export. guide the accounting regime of small and medium enterprises to meet the requirements of managing production and business activities of enterprises.


Article 10. Accounting accounts

Micro enterprises pay CIT according to the method calculated on taxable income, applying the list of accounting accounts, contents, structure, accounting principles, accounting method of some major economic operations guidance in Appendix 2 "System of accounting accounts" issued together with this Circular to record and reflect economic operations arising from each economic content.


Article 11. Accounting books

1. Micro enterprises pay CIT according to the method calculated on taxable income and apply accounting books in the following list:


Name of the accounting book



General accounting book



The ledger journal

Model S01-DNSN


Detailed accounting books



Detailed books of materials, tools, products and goods

Model number S02-DNSN


Book of fixed assets

Model number S03-DNSN


Payment details book with buyers and sellers

Model number S04-DNSN


Detailed books of payable debts

Model number S05-DNSN


Detailed books of sales and service provision (applicable to micro enterprises paying VAT by the tax deduction method)

Model number S06a-DNSN


Detailed books of sales and service provision (applicable to micro enterprises paying VAT by direct method)

Form S06b-DNSN


Production and business expense books

Model number S07-DNSN


Book of VAT deductible

Model number S08-DNSN


Detailed book of output VAT

Model number S09-DNSN


Bank deposit book

Model number S10-DNSN

2. The forms of accounting books, contents and methods of recording accounting books in Clause 1 of this Article are guided in Appendix 3 "The forms of accounting books and methods of recording accounting books" issued together with this Circular. .

3. In addition to the accounting books instructed in Item XNXX, this micro enterprise may choose to apply more detailed accounting books or other general accounting books in Circular No. XNXX / 1 / TT- BTC of the Ministry of Finance dated 133 / 2016 / 26 guiding the accounting regime for small and medium enterprises in accordance with the requirements of management of production and business activities of enterprises as well as tax obligations with the state budget.


Article 12. Purpose of financial statements

1. Financial statements are used to provide information on the financial situation, business situation of micro enterprises, to meet the management requirements of business owners and state agencies.

2. Financial statements provide micro-enterprise information about the following:

- Property Situation;

- Liabilities must pay;

- Equity;

- The revenues and incomes;

- Expenses;

- Profit, loss and distribution of business results.

Article 13. Financial reporting system

1. Every year, micro enterprises pay CIT under the taxable income method to prepare financial statements and financial statement appendices according to the following list:


Name of financial report



Financial report


Report on the financial situation

Form B01 - DNSN


Report on business results

Form B02 - DNSN


Supplementary financial statements


Balance sheet account

F01-DNSN denominator


Report on the performance of obligations to the state budget

F02-DNSN denominator

2. The form, content and method of making financial statements and financial statement appendices in Clause 1 of this Article are guided in Appendix 5 "Form of financial statements and methods of making financial statements". attached to this Circular.

3. In addition to the financial statements stipulated in Item 1, micro enterprises can choose to apply the financial statements stipulated in the Circular No. XNXX / 133 / TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance dated 2016 / 26 / 8 to serve the management of production and business activities of enterprises as well as determine tax obligations with the state budget.

Article 14. Responsibilities, time limits for making and submitting financial statements

1. Every year, micro enterprises pay CIT according to the method of calculating taxable income to prepare financial statements and financial statement appendices as stipulated in Item 1 Article 20 of this Circular.

2. Financial statements and financial statement submissions of microenterprises must be sent to the tax office directly managing the enterprise and the business registration body no later than 90 dated from the end of the fiscal year. At the same time, it must be preserved and stored at the enterprise according to the accounting law to serve the inspection and inspection at the request of the competent agencies.

Chapter III


Article 15. Financial paper

1. Micro enterprises pay corporate income tax according to the percentage of sales of goods and services applying accounting vouchers according to the following list:


Name of voucher



Documents specified in this Circular



Cash receipts

Model number 01-TT


Cash voucher

Model number 02-TT



Form of 01-VT


Delivery bill

Form of 02-VT


Payment table of salaries and incomes of employees

Form No. 01-LDTL


Documents prescribed by tax law



VAT invoice or sales invoice



Tax payment paper to the state budget



Bank Debit Notice


2. Forms, contents and methods of making accounting vouchers in Clause 1 of this Article are guided in Appendix 1 to "Forms and methods of making accounting vouchers" promulgated together with this Circular.

In addition to the accounting documents in this article, micro enterprises may choose to apply accounting vouchers in Item 1 of Article 2 of this Circular or the Ministry of Finance's Circular No. XNXX / 1 / TT-BTC. 9 / 133 / 2016 to serve the requirements of managing production and business activities of enterprises.

3. Invoice for sale of goods and services

- Goods and service sale invoices are accounting documents reflecting completed goods and service sales operations. Goods and service sale invoices can be VAT invoices or sales invoices, depending on the tax law for each method of paying VAT of micro enterprises, in which:

+ In the case of a micro enterprise paying VAT by the deduction method, the invoice of the sale of goods and services issued to the customer is a VAT invoice.

+ In the case of a micro-enterprise paying VAT by the direct method, the invoice of the sale of goods and services issued to the customer is a sale invoice.

- Goods and service sale invoices that the microenterprise issues to customers when selling goods and services as a basis for determining the corporate income tax obligation of the microenterprise to the state budget.

4. Vouchers on payment of salaries and incomes for laborers are the basis for determining the personal income tax obligations of laborers in micro enterprises with the state budget.

5. Vouchers of tax payment into the state budget serve as a basis for evaluating the situation of fulfilling the tax payment obligation of micro enterprises with the state budget.

Article 16. Accounting method

1. If a micro enterprise pays CIT calculated as a percentage of the sales of goods or services, if it does not have a need, it is not required to open accounting accounts, but only write in the accounting books (only record copy the arising economic transactions into items that need to be tracked without the need to reflect the reciprocal accounts) to keep track of revenues and incomes, taxes payable to the state, salaries and other deduction according to salary, ... serves to determine the tax obligations of the business to the state budget.

2. In the case of micro-enterprises paying CIT based on a percentage of sales of goods and services, they need to apply accounting accounts as enterprises pay CIT according to the method calculated on taxable income to in service of the unit's management requirements of production and business activities, the provisions of Chapter II of this Circular may apply.

Article 17. Accounting books

1. Micro enterprises that pay CIT calculated as a percentage of the turnover from the sale of goods and services must open accounting books to keep track of the revenues and incomes, and taxes payable to the State. Salaries and deductions according to salary, ... for determining the tax obligations of enterprises to the state budget according to the following list:


Name of the accounting book



Detailed book of turnover of sale of goods and services

Model number S1-DNSN


Books to monitor the situation of payment of wages and remuneration of employees

Model number S2-DNSN


Detailed books of materials, tools, products and goods

Model number S3-DNSN


Monitoring books on the implementation of tax obligations with the state budget

Model number S4-DNSN

2. The forms of accounting books, contents and methods of recording accounting books in Clause 1 of this Article are guided in Appendix 4 "The forms of accounting books and methods of recording accounting books" issued together with this Circular. .

3. In addition to the accounting books guided in this article, micro enterprises pay CIT based on the percentage of sales of goods and services may choose to apply more detailed accounting books or pictures. mode of other general accounting books in the Finance Ministry's Circular No. XNXX / 1 / TT-BTC dated 133 / 2016 / 26 guiding the accounting regime for small and medium enterprises to suit the requirements of production management business activities of enterprises as well as tax obligations with the state budget.

Article 18. Financial report

1. Micro enterprises pay CIT based on the percentage of sales of goods and services which are not required to prepare financial statements to submit to tax authorities.

2. Micro enterprises pay CIT based on a percentage of sales of goods and services to make reports in accordance with tax laws. The time for making and submitting reports shall comply with the provisions of tax law.

3. In addition to reports in accordance with tax laws, based on information on sales and service revenues, wages and salary payments, ... microenterprises can set up Accounting reports for business administration and administration.

4. Micro enterprises pay CIT based on a percentage of sales of goods and services if they choose to apply the accounting regime prescribed in Chapter II of this Circular to serve the needs of managing production activities. business of the enterprise still makes financial statements as prescribed. The financial statements are not required to be submitted to the tax authorities but are preserved and stored in accordance with regulations and used at the enterprise to serve the inspection and examination when required by the competent state authority. right.

Chapter IV


Article 19. Transfer balances on accounting books

1. For micro enterprises which are applying Circular No. 133 / 2016 / TT-BTC if they switch to applying accounting regime as prescribed in Chapter II of this Circular, they shall transfer the balance of accounting accounts as follows :

- Balance of account 112 - Cash in bank and balance of Account 1281 - Term deposit is transferred to Account 111 - Cash.

- Balance of Account 1331 - Deductible VAT of goods and services, Account 1332 - Deductible VAT of fixed assets is transferred to Account 1313 - Deductible VAT;

- Balance of account 136 - Intercompany receivables, Account 138- Other receivables, Account 141- Advances transferred to Account 1318- Other receivables;

- Balance of Account 152 - Raw materials, Account 153 - Tools and tools are transferred to Account 1521- Raw materials and tools;

- Balance of Account 154 - Work in progress is transferred to Account 1524 - Work in progress;

- Balance of Account 155 - Finished goods, Account 156 - Goods and Account 157- Goods sent for sale are transferred to Account 1526- Finished goods, including details according to management requirements;

- Debit balance of Account 211 - Fixed assets after deduction of balance Cr 214 - Depreciation of fixed assets is converted to balance of Dr. 211 - Fixed assets;

- Balance of account 334 - Payable to employees is transferred to Account 3311- Payable to employees

- Balance of Account 3382 - Trade union funds, Account 3383 - Social insurance, Account 3384 - Health insurance, Account 3385 - Unemployment insurance is transferred to Account 3312 - Salary deductions;

- Balance of accounts 331 - Trade payables, Account 335 - Accrued expenses, Account 336 - Intercompany payables, Account 3381 - Other payables, receivables, Account 3386 - Deposit receipt, collateral, Account 3387 - Unearned revenue, Account 3388 - Other payables, receivables, Account 3411 - Borrowings and Account 3412 - Financial lease debt transferred to Account 3318 - Other payables;

- Balance of Account 33311 - Output VAT, Account 33312 - VAT on imported goods is transferred to Account 33131- VAT payable;

Balance of accounts 3332- Special consumption tax, Account 3333- Import and export tax, Account 3335- Personal income tax, Account 3336- Natural resource tax, Account 3337- Housing tax, land rental, account 33381- Environmental protection tax, Account 33382- Other taxes, Account 3339- Fees, charges and other payables are transferred to Account 33138- Other taxes, fees, charges and other amounts payable to the state ;

- Account 4211 balance - Undistributed after-tax profit of the previous year, Account 4212- Undistributed after-tax profit this year is transferred to Account 4118- Undistributed after-tax profit.

2. Other contents that are reflected in details on the relevant accounts, if contrary to this Circular, must be adjusted according to the provisions of this Circular.

Article 20. Enforcement

1. This Circular takes effect from the date of 15 / 02 / 2019, applicable to the fiscal year starting or after the date of 01 / 4 / 2019.

2. Where legal documents referenced in this Circular are amended, supplemented or replaced, such legal documents shall be complied with.

3. The ministries, branches, People's Committees, Finance Services and Tax Departments of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to guide and guide micro enterprises to implement this Circular.

4. In the course of implementation, if any problem arises, it should be reported to the Ministry of Finance for study and settlement.

- Goverment office;
- Central Office and Party's committees;
- Office of the General Secretary;
- Congress office;
- Office of the President;
- People's Procuratorate of the Supreme;
- Supreme People's Court;
- State Audit;
- Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
- Ministries, Ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies;
- People's Committees of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government;
- Departments of Finance, Tax Departments of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government;
- Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises;
- Vietnam Union of Cooperatives;
- Units under the Ministry of Finance;
- Department of Document Inspection (Ministry of Justice);
- Legal Department (Ministry of Finance);
- Website Ministry of Finance;
- Announcement;
- Save: VT, Department of Economic Management.


Do Hoang Anh Tuan


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Reading time: 21 min


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